Ostatnio wszyscy mówią o pracy z domu i udzielają porad odnośnie rozplanowania dnia czy produktywności. To samo tyczy się spotkań online, które ze względu na okoliczności przeżywają szczyt popularności. W dzisiejszym wpisie nieprzypadkowo znajdziecie więc dialog i mnóstwo wyrażeń, które przydadzą Wam się podczas prowadzenia spotkania na odległość w języku angielskim.


Więcej gotowych słówek i wyrażeń znajdziesz w moich produktach! Nie pozwól, by kiepska znajomość języka biznesowego uniemożliwiła Ci rozwój kariery! Kliknij w grafikę by dowiedzieć się więcej :).



Manager: Hello everyone. We have a lot to get through so let’s start, although I know that Paula will be with us shortly and Sara also join us a little bit latter because she is still on the phone with the client.

Sara: Actually, I’m already with you. I have just finish my conversation with Mr Newman.

Manager: All right, so let’s start, are you ready?

Tom: Just a second, the camera seems to be pointing in the wrong direction. Can you try adjusting it?

Manager: Yeah, certainly. Is it okay now?

Tom: Yes, I can see you now much better.

Manager: So let’s go ahead. Let’s dive right in and talk about our new marketing communication. Can we hear first from Peter?

Peter: Hi Peter speaking, Sure, sure I can start. I’ll try to hit just the main points. It seems to me that we should start by simply sharing honest updates on our business. We could show them behind the scenes and let people in, because now people are looking for connection. So keeping it real will likely serve us well.

Manager: Jack, would you go along with that?

Jack: Absolutely. We need to resonate with our audience and we need to relate to where they are right now. I think we should postpone lauch of our new line, because now it is too upmarket.

Manager: Ok, so we all agree that it is necessary to change the marketing strategy for the coming months.

Sara: Yeah, for sure. Now, speaking of marketing communication I just want to mention that giving away value will show people we care and will help us to continue building a strong foundation of realness and trust with our audience.

Manager: It would be advisible to avoid aggressive sales campaigns. We should definitely focus on serving people. I believe we should create some free content around that. I think giving right now is important.

Peter: Solving the problem of excessive stress is a priority. I was wondering if we might give a dicount for essential oils. These are our best products that strengthen the psyche, soothe emotions, have a calming effect and help overcome anxiety.

Jack: That’s sounds like a really good idea. Mona, could we have your thoughts on this topic?

Manager: I had a connection problem for a few second, but now I’m back with you. I’m entirely convinced that Peter’s idea will pull in new clients.

Peter: Ok, I can commission Diana to design new ad banners.

Sara: Can I make a point here?  This is only my opinion, but I think  that we still have to do something more except selling. We need to create free content too, we shouldn’t only sell stuff as usuall.

Manager: It’s hard to disagree. Have you any idea?

Sara: As for me, I would pay attention to the fact that everyone has a little extra time now. We could teach people to do something on their own with pleasure and for better mood. By this, I mean that we could share some tips for making essential oils at home on our blog.

Manager: You’re absolutely right. So, the division of duties looks as follows: I will prepare a budget for these activities, Peter and Jack will see to promotional communication, and Sara with Paula’s help will take care of new blog posts. Is there anything we’ve forgotten?

Jack: That’s all we discussed.

Manager: So, please, gather the data and email it to me before the end of the week. Thank you very much everyone for this quick brainstroming session. Let’s get back to work.


Hello everyone. We have a lot to get through so let’s start. – Cześć wszystkim. Mamy wiele do zrobienia, więc zaczynajmy.
Paula will be with us shortly and Sara also join us a little bit latter because she is still on the phone with the client. – Paula wkrótce będzie z nami, a Sara również dołączy do nas trochę później, ponieważ nadal rozmawia przez telefon z klientem.
All right, so let’s start, are you ready? – W porządku, więc zacznijmy, jesteście gotowi?
Just a second, the camera seems to be pointing in the wrong direction. Can you try adjusting it? – Chwileczkę, wygląda na to, że aparat mierzy w niewłaściwym kierunku, Możesz spróbować go wyregulować?
I can see you now much better. – Widzę cię teraz znacznie lepiej.
So let’s go ahead. Let’s dive right in and talk about… – Więc śmiało. Zabierzmy się za to i porozmawiajmy o …
Can we hear first from Peter? – Czy możemy usłyszeć najpierw Piotr?
Hi Peter speaking, Sure, sure I can start. I’ll try to hit just the main points. – Cześć, z tej strony Piotr,  jasne, że mogę zacząć. Spróbuję poruszyć tylko główne punkty.
It seems to me that… – Wydaje mi się, że…
Would you go along with that? – Czy zgodziłbyś się z tym?
Now, speaking of… I just want to mention that… – Mówiąc o…chcę tylko wspomnieć, że…
It would be advisible to… – Byłoby wskazane, żeby…
Solving the problem of… is a priority. – Rozwiązanie problemu… jest priorytetem.
 I was wondering if we might… – Zastanawiałem się, czy moglibyśmy…
That’s sounds like a really good idea. – To brzmi jak naprawdę dobry pomysł.
Could we have your thoughts on this topic? – Czy możemy poznać twoje przemyślenia na ten temat?
I had a connection problem for a few second, but now I’m back with you. – Miałem problem z połączeniem, ale ponownie jestem z wami.
I’m entirely convinced that… – Jestem całkowicie przekonany, że…
Can I make a point here? – Czy mogę coś powiedzieć?
This is only my opinion, but I think…– To tylko moja opinia, ale myślę, że…
It’s hard to disagree. – Trudno się nie zgodzić.
Have you any idea? – Masz jakiś pomysł?
As for me… – Jeśli o mnie chodzi…
By this, I mean that… – Rozumiem przez to, że …
Is there anything we’ve forgotten? – Czy jest coś, o czym zapomnieliśmy?
So, please, gather the data and email it to me before the end of the week. – Proszę,  zbierzcie dane i prześlijcie je e-mailem przed końcem tygodnia
Thank you very much everyone for this quick brainstroming session. Now, let’s get back to work. – Bardzo dziękuję wszystkim za tę krótką burzę mózgów. A teraz bierzmy się do pracy.


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